Been a While

Yes I know it’s been a while since I’ve posted so here’s what’s happened!

I’ve checked out the flat, it’s really nice.

I’ve got a place in a school in Edinburgh. It’s cool

I’m moving out there in March or something.

In the meanwhile I’ve been studying for a networking qualification called a CCNA.

I’ll post a proper thing later!

Hello world!

Hello everyone and welcome to my blog!

What can I say? I’m a Glaswegian by birth, spent my early teenage years in Cumbria,England and then moved to the south west of France for 3 years. Life has had it’s ups and downs and I’m moving up to Edinburgh with the family either in Easter or July!

I’m using this blog to journal how things are going and plan to maintain it when I reach Edinburgh to write about my various experiences .

Hope you enjoy reading!